I was meeting with a friend in December and he was telling me he had to put ice packs on his elbow all day long. I told him about the Laser and he was interested in seeing how it work with him.
So we met this week and I used the Laser on his elbow for about 20 minutes. There are several settings, the Unwind setting relaxes the stress, the Rejuv regenerates the strength in the weakened area and Quantum adds strength.
I asked him how he was feeling just before he left and he said he had much more mobility, but the real proof would be when he hit the boxing bag. He loves to box for exercise.
It is the true test of having a lack of pain. De-stressing an area that has been exposed to continuous abuse is the first step of regaining full range of motion and usability.
I love being able to expose people to a life without pain and without discomfort. It is such a great privilege to know I can help people and offer them a solution to what they believe to be what they have to put up with for the rest of their lives.
You never have to put up with pain, discomfort or physical stress in your life. Look for answers, don’t ever believe you don’t have choices.