
I had a radio program, Choices for a Healthier Lifestyle” for 2 years in San Francisco. I was able to interview amazing people who inspired me to become more conscious about my health, eating habits and longevity concepts.

Today I look as young as I did 15 years ago and am more healthy than I was at that time. I have created habits that are easy for me to maintain and have been fortunate to have so many people who have reached out to me to ask to interview me now!

Good health is a choice! You are the only one who can choose how healthy you will be!

I have experienced kidney and liver failure, muscular dystrophy, cancer and even a heart attack! I have managed to conquer each event because I was willing to investigate and listen to the amazing people who crossed my path at the right moment!

No matter what you are experiencing, more than likely, there is a way for you to overcome it with food, natural resources and time.

My wish for you is a long and healthy life filled with joy!