I have been one of those people who have had to try every diet under the sun! I gain 10 pounds I loose 5 . . . it’s not a winning combination. Some people believe it is a natural part of the aging process and some claim it’s part of menopause, but the truth is, ever since I was 12 years old I struggled to keep my weight down.
There might be psychological reasons behind it, but I think that would be another blog content altogether. So part of my belief is trusting my intuition and I think it had more to do with the amount of antibiotics I consumed from the time I was six years old. It makes sense, since the antibiotics cause an environment which is much akin to a loaf of bread rising because of the yeast. But again, that’s a whole other story.
About 20 years ago I cut my finger and the ER doctor gave me an antibiotic with a specific tetanus shot that cause Epstein Bar Virus. It was a mess for 12 years. But the worse part (other than being told I wouldn’t live six months five times) was gaining 135 pounds in a year.
I developed some very bad eating habits as a result. I would starve myself. I only ate protein. I did fad diets like the cabbage diet. I tried one program after another and had moderate results, but never lasting results from anything I attempted.
I even gave up sugar for two whole years (talk about painful) and ate only protein and vegetables. (OMG I lost half of my hair with that one)
I met Barbara Hoffer about a year ago, but officially met her in person about a month ago. I love arranging a face-to-face meeting with people so I can get to know them on a personal level. It was a great first meeting and Barbara who teaches Pilates in Mont Clair near Oakland gave me a sample of NutriiVeda’s accell which is a triple metabolic boost.
I mixed it in hot water after having a lovely lunch and to my surprise, the next day I did not gain any weight, but actually lost 2 pounds. That’s quite amazing for one day, having had a real meal.
So I’ve been taking it for about two weeks now and having been loosing about 4 pounds a week. It’s not rapid weight loss, but we all know that rapid weight loss is not permanent weight loss.
It costs about $50 as a preferred buyer ($70 retail) and lasts 3 weeks with one a day. I guess there isn’t any reason why you couldn’t use more than one, it’s just that I only eat one meal a day.
This is Barbara’s website: www.barbhoffer.myzrii.com