It was extremely painful. At one point I didn’t know if I’d be able to cope much longer. But when Dr. Kim finally returned to take the cups off it was a major relief.
By the time we got back to the car, less than 5 minutes later, I had full use of my arm again. It was definitely sore but the results were remarkable.
I returned to Dr. Kim on Friday and had just as good of results as the first day. The full range of motion returned and the soreness was at a minimum. I was not in pain at all.
It was a marvelous difference from just three days prior.
I got through the weekend without any difficulty.
I was able to get through the weekend and even helped organize a dinner party for the seven of us. And even by Sunday, the pain hadn’t returned.
I had never heard of cups before in Acupuncture. I must have been to nearly ten or twelve didn’t Acupuncturists over the past twenty years. It was the most effective treatment I have had for a pulled muscle. It surprised me a great deal since I have been able to have complete use of my arm without any major challenges whatsoever.
It is the kind of injury that would typically take weeks to heal. So I am now a fan of the cups!