IBS Irritable Bowell Syndrome

I have a new client I was going to meet last week but he called to tell me he couldn’t make the appointment because of IBS Irritable Bowell Syndrome. I asked him if he tried Effersyllium but he hadn’t heard of it.

He called me to reschedule this week, which did surprise me. I asked if he tried Effersyllium. He said it didn’t work!

I told him I had IBS when I moved to Hawaii. It lasted the entire 5 months I lived there, but it never came back once I moved to the Bay Area. The only thing that worked for me while in Hawaii was the Effersyllium and Tarot Root.

I put the Tarot Root in my salad, on potatoes, pasta and even ate it in slices raw. I noticed the more I used it, the better my IBS became.

I tried it in Mexico and it works there too. I take the Tarot Root and Effersyllium with me when I travel. I know I am more sensitive to the parasites in foreign waters, so I make sure I travel prepared.

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